Join MarAlliance’s team of marine biologists, guides and fishers for an unforgettable expedition researching sharks, rays and turtles. Experience the life of a tropical marine field biologist while helping us collect invaluable data that will contribute to the conservation of these vital species.
We will train you so that you can be directly involved in each aspect of our field work from conducting in-water surveys while snorkeling Caribbean reefs, to launching and reviewing the unexpected results of underwater camera traps, to setting longlines to capture, measure and tag sharks and rays. As an expedition volunteer, you will be immersed in the team and contribute directly to the critically-important long-term monitoring of sharks, rays and turtles in key Caribbean sites and Cabo Verde.
May 11-18, 2024
May 10-17, 2025
May 9-16, 2026
7 nights / 6 activity days
June 15-22, 2024
Jun 14-21, 2025
Jun 13-20, 2026
Gladden - 7 nights / 6 activity days
July 20-23 & 24-27, 2024
July 18-21 & 23-26, 2025
July 17-20 & 22-25, 2026
Mexico - 3 nights / 2 activity days
Aug 31- Sep 7, 2024
Sep 13-20, 2025
Sep 12-19, 2026
Ambergris Caye - 7 nights / 6 activity days
Aug, 9-16 2025
Aug 8-15, 2026
Las Perlas - 7 nights / 5 activity days
MarAlliance es una organización internacional sin ánimo de lucro registrada en EE.UU., Belice, Panamá y Cabo Verde, cuyo objetivo es explorar, facilitar e inspirar cambios positivos para la fauna marina amenazada, especialmente tiburones y rayas, sus hábitats críticos y las comunidades humanas dependientes. Nuestra misión es amplia y ambiciosa, y trabajamos en tres idiomas y en siete países de tres regiones. Ante el declive de muchas poblaciones de megafauna marina, estas especies necesitan una voz fuerte, eficaz y con base científica que las represente para ayudar a los socios dependientes a dar forma a las estrategias y acciones de gestión y conservación para invertir el declive.
Buscamos a un becario (6 meses) proactivo, con conocimientos digitales y excelente capacidad de redacción y edición de textos, que apoye la creación de contenidos escritos de alta calidad y recursos multicanal para difundir el trabajo que MarAlliance realiza a través de sus plataformas en línea (sitio web, redes sociales, boletín, entre otras) y fuera de línea, y que interactúe con nuestro público externo para contribuir a nuestros objetivos generales de comunicación y marketing. El Asistente de Comunicación dependerá directamente del Coordinador de Comunicación y Marketing, y trabajará en estrecha colaboración con el resto del equipo para apoyarles en los elementos de comunicación de su trabajo.
Estipendio durante 6 meses.
Español, con fluidez en inglés
Nacionales o residentes de Panamá, Belice, México, Honduras, Guatemala.
Este contrato será a distancia dentro de las zonas horarias de América, flexible, a tiempo completo y desde casa con hasta un 10% de viajes ocasionales locales e internacionales.
Por favor, envíe su currículum, portfolio si lo tiene, y carta de presentación a con “MAR-CA_Apellido” en el asunto antes del 21 de marzo, 2024. No se admiten llamadas.
MarAlliance is an international non-profit registered in the US, Belize, Panama and Cabo Verde that aims to explore, enable and inspire positive changes for threatened marine wildlife – notably sharks and rays – their critical habitats and dependent human communities. Our remit is broad and ambitious, and we work in three languages and across seven countries encompassed by three regions. In the face of declines in many populations of marine megafauna, these species need a strong, effective, and science-based voice to represent them to help dependent partners shape management and conservation strategies and action to reverse declines.
We are seeking for a proactive, digitally savvy Paid Intern (6 month) Communications Assistant with excellent writing and copy editing skills, who will support the creation of high-quality written content and multichannel assets to broadcast the work MarAlliance does through its online (website, social media, newsletter, among others) and offline platforms, and engage with our external audiences to contribute to our overall communications and marketing goals. The Communications Assistant will directly report consistently to the Communications and Marketing Coordinator, and work closely with the rest of the team to support them on the communications elements of their work.
Stipend for 6 month.
English, Spanish are mandatory.
Panama, Belize, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala nationals or residents.
This contract will be remote within the Americas time zones, flexible, full-time and home-based with up to 10% occasional local and international travel.
Please send your resume, portfolio if you have one, and cover letter to with “MAR-CA_Last name” in the subject line by 21st of March, 2024. No calls please.