The blacktip shark is a sturdy, gray, medium-sized shark characterized by the black markings on the tips of its fins and a distinct white ‘z’ marking on its flank. This shark inhabits shallow (up to 140 m in depth) temperate, tropical, and subtropical waters. It is mostly found nearshore around estuaries, bays, and river mouths, and less frequently in coral reef, mangrove, and lagoon habitats. The blacktip shark often hunts schooling fish in a group and individuals can be seen breaching fully out of the water when feeding. This species matures at around 5-6 years of age, and like many other shark species, males mature at smaller sizes and younger ages than females. Size and age at maturity is also different depending on where in the world the sharks live.
Whitespotted Eagle Ray
Like all eagle rays, whitespotted eagle rays are active swimmers and do not lie dormant on the seafloor as benthic stingrays do. Associated often with